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Georgia Personal Injury Lawyers

What Happens If You’re a Teen Injured In a Georgia Car Accident?

Posted on : September 5, 2022
East Ellijay Car-Accident-Lawyer

Accidents involving teen drivers are unfortunately common on Atlanta’s roadways. Here are 5 things to do if you’re a teen in a car accident or are the parent of one.

You Will Need to Get Off the Road If Possible

If you are able, you should get out of the street quickly. Either pull your entire vehicle over or get yourself and passengers out before a second accident occurs.

Someone Should Call Emergency Services

Call the police or emergency medical services to get help with injuries. If anyone is severely hurt, do this immediately before moving your vehicle. The police and EMS will be dispatched to your location and will give you instructions on what to do until the authorities arrive.

You Should Exchange Contact Information With the Other Driver

Before you leave the scene of the accident, you need to get some information from the other driver. Ask for their name and phone number, address, and insurance information and then offer yours in turn. It’s extremely important that you don’t leave any sort of accident, no matter how minor, without exchanging this information.

You May Want to Contact Your Parents (Later)

Most teens want to call their parents after being in a car crash, but it’s important you reach out to authorities before you call your parents. You might be afraid of repercussions if you call 911, but there just isn’t any time to waste after an accident.

Call your parents once authorities arrive and give you the go ahead, but not before. If you are injured, you may need to receive emergency medical care before you can make a telephone call. Even if no one has been hurt, you should still contact authorities first.

Consult With a Georgia Car Crash Attorney 

Both teens and adults need comprehensive support after a motor vehicle accident. Ronald F. Chalker and the team of injury lawyers at Appalachian Injury Law can help you and your family navigate the challenges of recovery. We have helped dozens of clients just like you recover from their injuries and move forward with their lives.

Reach out to our offices today to book your consultation by calling (706) 515-1995 or toll free at (800) 393-8595. Our team of accident attorneys are available now to answer your questions about teen car accidents and discuss your legal options.

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