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Is Taking Notes Important for Car Accident Victims?

Posted on : October 28, 2020
Appalachian Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, keeping a journal afterward is absolutely in your best interests. Why? Here’s what you should know about writing down and keeping records of important facts and how to get legal help after your motor vehicle collision. 

A Journal Is a Great Post-Accident Investment   

An individual’s memory is difficult to trust after a car accident. With time, memories begin to fade and it may become harder for an accident victim to recollect what happened during the incident. However, if you have a notebook that you use for writing down what you remember after the accident, these details don’t get lost as easily.

What Should Be Written Down? 

Not sure what you should be writing down? Here’s a quick list of the most important things: 

Accident Details As Soon As Possible   

As soon as possible after the accident, write down everything you remember. Even if your memories seem foggy or you don’t recall much, any details that you are able to include may prove to be extremely valuable later on during a car accident lawsuit.

Exchanges You Remember At the Accident Scene  

Did you speak to witnesses or police officers at the scene after the collision? Take notes about what you and/or the other party said during those conversations. It’s helpful to have a record of your own perspective on the accident in addition to the official police report.

A Timeline of Your Injuries   

Record information about recovering from your injuries. This includes both information about your physical injuries and pain levels as well as your mental health. It’s critical that your attorney has enough data to show the reality of what your injuries and recovery were like after the accident if you plan to pursue compensation.

Costs of the Accident    

It’s in your best interest to have tangible evidence of any monetary transactions that took place after the car accident. Keep notes and receipts of payments you make to doctor’s offices, hospitals, or pharmacies in a secure place.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You After a Serious Car Accident 

Being the victim of a car accident is an unimaginable experience. It’s critical to work with an experienced lawyer to obtain fair compensation for the damages you incurred. To learn more about getting legal help after being involved in a motor vehicle accident, call our office today at (770) 703-6008 (Local) or toll-free at (800) 393-8595.


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