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Georgia Personal Injury Lawyers

How Do I File A Boat Accident Report In Georgia?

Posted on : July 27, 2023
Appalachian Boat Accident Attorneys

Gorgeous Georgia is a haven for boating enthusiasts, offering miles of picturesque coastlines, lakes, and rivers to explore. However, regardless of how idyllic the setting may be, accidents can still happen on the water. Understanding how to file a boat accident report in Georgia is crucial for both the safety of those involved and compliance with the law.

Understanding Boat Accident Reporting in Georgia

Before diving into the process of filing a boat accident report in Georgia, it is important to understand the criteria that define a reportable incident. In Georgia, a boat accident must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Occurs on the waters within Georgia’s jurisdiction
  • Involves a vessel that is required to be registered in Georgia.
  • Results in loss of life, injury requiring medical attention beyond first aid, or property damage exceeding $2,000.

If your boat accident meets any of these criteria, you must file a report with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) or local law enforcement agency within a specified timeframe – you don’t have an option not to. Failure to do so may result in penalties and jeopardize potential insurance claims.

How To Report 

To report a boat accident in Georgia, reach out to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) or the local law enforcement agency responsible for the waters where the incident occurred. Depending on the location of the accident, you may need to visit the DNR office or the local law enforcement agency’s office in person.

At the office, you will be provided with the necessary forms to complete your boat accident report. Be prepared to provide accurate and detailed information, including the incident date, time, location, the people involved, and a description of what happened.

Along with your completed report, you might be required to present additional documentation, such as personal identification, vessel registration information, witness statements, and any supporting evidence that you may have, like photos or video of injuries or damage to your boat or other property.

Get Legal Help After A Boating Accident 

Call Appalachian Injury Law today for more information on how to file a boat accident report or to learn more about obtaining compensation if you or a family member were involved in a boat accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence. Contact us now by dialing (706) 515-1995 or toll free at (800) 393-8595.

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