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Georgia Personal Injury Lawyers

How Can I Prevent Boat Propeller Injuries?

Posted on : April 7, 2023
Appalachian Sinking Boat Attorney

Boat propeller injuries are one of the most devastating accidents to happen on the water. Boat propellers cause dozens of deaths every year and thousands of critical injuries – here’s what steps you can take to prevent them and how to get legal help after a boat accident.

Causes Of Boat Propeller Injuries

Boat accidents that involve propeller injuries can be caused by several issues, such as:

  • Inexperienced boaters. Boaters who don’t have enough experience operating a vessel can accidentally throw passengers overboard where they’re at a greater risk of being hit by the propeller.
  • Reckless boating. Even when a boater has experience, revving over large wakes or making hard turns can also throw passengers out of the vessel.
  • Unsafe water sports. Water skiing, tubing, and other activities where a passenger is being pulled behind a boat are dangerous and more likely to put someone in the path of a spinning propeller.

Top Boat Safety Practices To Follow

Follow these simple but effective rules to help prevent boat accidents and propeller injuries while out on the water:

  • Keep the engine off when embarking and disembarking. Make sure the propellers aren’t moving when passengers need to be walking around or moving about. Ask passengers to stay seated when the boat is in motion.
  • Passengers should be in an appropriate seat. Don’t let passengers ride on seat backs, the bow, or on the side of the boat while the vessel is in motion. Request that passengers use seatbelts at high speeds or when the waters are rough.
  • Go slow in areas with lots of people. Many propeller injuries occur when boaters enter congested areas without adjusting their speed for swimmers who may be in the area. Make sure you abide by “no wake” signs, especially near the shore.
  • Accelerate slowly and smoothly. Avoid thrusting the vessel forward so quickly that passengers are knocked over.
  • Never operate a boat under the influence of alcohol. Many boat accidents are caused by drug or alcohol impairment, which makes the resulting injuries completely preventable. If you plan on drinking, assign a sober boater just like you would assign a designated driver.

At Appalachian Injury Law, we can help your family get compensation after someone has been injured by a serious boating accident. Call our Georgia personal injury attorneys today for more information by dialing (706) 515-1995 or toll-free at (800) 393-8595.

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